Wisconsin Business Leaders for Free and Fair Elections
As Wisconsin business leaders we believe it is our responsibility to support free, fair, and regular elections, in which every citizen is able to exercise their right to vote. At a time when election results are being unduly called into question and laws are being passed that restrict our fellow citizens access to vote, it is time to raise our voices in defense of our democracy. We are dedicated to helping ensure equitable access to voting, non-partisan, transparent election policy and administration, and unbiased representation.
How can you help? Show your support by adding your name to our letter to the Wisconsin Election Administrators
Civic Engagement Toolkit Now Available
There are a few easy and specific actions that business leaders can take to encourage specific participation.
Learn How Wisconsin Keeps Its Elections Secure
Voting security and safety is a top priority. Click on the link below for more information.
Principles for Business Action on Voting Rights
These principles were compiled in collaboration with a bipartisan group of experts at the Brennan Center, Campaign Legal Center, and Niskanen Center as guidance for business leaders who are seeking clarity on what good, evidence-based voting policies look like.
1) Ensure equitable access to voting
● A state should not impose burdens on voters because of their race, age or disability, including provisions targeted at geographic areas or methods of voting that highly correlate to specific communities.
● Security measures should be fair and evidence-based, avoiding disproportionately negative impacts on groups of voters.
● Election security measures should be no more restrictive than necessary to address demonstrated risks of fraud and tampering.
● States should provide voters with a range of opportunities to obtain and cast a ballot, including robust in-person, early, and absentee voting options.
2) Non-partisan, evidence-based and transparent election policy and administration
● Legislators and election officials should not change election rules or procedures retroactively or attempt to overrule the will of the voters in elections for which
ballots have already been cast.
● Election administration and vote certification should be conducted in a neutral, nonpartisan manner.
● New legislation should not restrict election officials from their ability to count and certify elections, or create fear/intimidation in the course of their jobs.
● Changes to election laws should be based on sound evidence, not speculation or
● Election bills should follow the normal legislative order (including relevant committee procedures). Legislators must provide ample opportunity for public review and comment throughout the legislative process.
● Election procedures should be transparent, accessible, and easily understandable for the public.
3) Ensure unbiased representation
● Partisan and racially discriminatory gerrymandering practices should be banned.
● Redistricting practices should be fair, transparent, and accountable.
● All persons (not just voters or citizens) should be counted equally when apportioning political representation.